Shared by our broker, Vickie Gaskill, former attendee and current volunteer for CfR. Please consider joining Casting for Recovery on Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 6-9 pm for their first ever Fish Tales & Ales Fundraiser taking place at Flycaster Brewing in Kirkland, WA. Tickets are $60 and inc
Shared by our broker, Vickie Gaskill, former attendee and current volunteer for CfR.
Please consider joining Casting for Recovery on Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 6-9 pm for their first ever Fish Tales & Ales Fundraiser taking place at Flycaster Brewing in Kirkland, WA. Tickets are $60 and include heavy hors d’oeuvres, complimentary drinks, music, silent and live auctions.
The mission of Casting for Recovery is to enhance the quality of life of women with breast cancer through a unique program that combines breast cancer education and peer support with the therapeutic sport of fly fishing. They do this by providing a no-cost 2 1/2 day fly fishing retreat each year and cover the cost through various fundraisers.