Become a King County Master Recycler Composter (MRC) this Spring -- Applications Due March 18 Did you know that Americans waste about 25 percent of all food and drinks we buy? Food waste is a growing problem in the US, costing families an average of $130 every month. In landfills across the country
Become a King County Master Recycler Composter (MRC) this Spring -- Applications Due March 18Did you know that Americans waste about 25 percent of all food and drinks we buy? Food waste is a growing problem in the US, costing families an average of $130 every month. In landfills across the country, wasted food contributes to climate change, generating nearly one quarter of methane emissions in the U.S., a potent greenhouse gas.
You can make a difference by learning how to prevent food waste at home. King County is offering a FREE training, provided by Seattle Tilth staff, about food waste prevention and curbside composting. In exchange for the training, program graduates volunteer to teach others in their communities.
The MRC training includes three Saturday sessions starting on March 26 at the Kent Senior Activity Center (600 E Smith St, Kent).
After the training, volunteers put their training to work, helping friends, neighbors and community members prevent and reduce food waste. Outreach takes places at a variety of community events and locations, mostly in South King County.
Find out more and apply today. The deadline for applications is March 18.
The Master Recycler Composter program is a King County program managed by Seattle Tilth.